The Arabella network is the most powerful network of social re-engineering of America that exists.  According to author, Scott Walter, Arabella has raised more money than the two political parties put together.  That says something.  This diagram is a simple overview of the entities and people involved in this network designed to destroy America from within.  We encourage you to order Scott's book and read for yourself. 



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The Nature Conservancy is lead by globalists tied to the Clinton Foundation and Barack Obama.  The leadership at TNC has deep ties to the United Nations and their climate agenda and many Governors and local officials are working in tandem with TNC. 


Nature Conservancy


Click here for the pdf: 


The Southern Poverty Law Center labels Conservative groups as "hate groups" when in reality their connections to dark American hating globalists are the real threat to our freedom and liberty.  Americans need to know that the SPLC is connected to the very powerful Arabella Advisors network which has been working behind the scenes to circument and socially re-engineer our country. 




Click here for the pdf: 


The Anti-Defamation League works very closely with the same globalists as the Southern Poverty Law Center with its own ties to the powerful Arabella Advisors network of corruption. 


Anti-Defamation League


Click here for the pdf: 


The Big 5 publishing and distributing companies are working in connection with the World Economic Forum to push pornography throughout American schools and libraries.   These globalists have used propaganda for decades to socially re-engineer our society into their perverted agenda and they are targeting our children. 


WEF Pornography


Click here for the pdf: 


The same Big 5 publishing and distributing companies are spreading climate change propaganda for the World Economic Forum and the United Nations in addition to their pornographic propaganda.

WEF Climate Change


Click here for the pdf: 


CASEL (Collaborative for Academic Social and Emotional Learning) has many of the same ties to the America hating globalists within the Arabella Advisors network who are determined to destroy our nation. This is the company from which ALL SEL programs derive from. 



Click here for the pdf: 


Stand for Children is an organization that funds many of Indiana's legislators, as well as those in the states listed on the chart below,  including Indiana House Education Chairman, Bob Behning.  It's no wonder these legislators are not willing to protect children from the indoctrination and sexually grooming taking place in our schools when they are being bought off by lobbyists. 

Stand for Children


Click here for the pdf:  


Indiana legislators as well as those across the county have bought into Big Pharma's push for "Science of Reading" which has many of the very same globalist connections including those to the Arabella Advisors network.  


Science of Reading


Click here for the pdf: