In 1992, George H. W. Bush joined the 192 nations in Rio De Janeiro and signed the United States on to the United Nations Agenda 21 One World Goverment foundation.  Numerous times throughout his presidency, he referred to a New World Order.  This is what he was referring to.  

Agenda 21 Document

Agenda 21

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J. Gary Lawrence served on President Clinton's President's Council on Sustainable Development.  In this document he tells how they plan to revamp the local balance of power and determine who has the right to be at the table.  This document is a direct look into how they are implementing their NWO order economic development and how education is related to making sure children are taught to believe in sustainable development.  

As yourself, "Who is determining what is sustainable"? 

The Future of Local Agenda 21 in the New Millennium

The Future of Local Agenda 21


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Building on the foundation laid in 1992 for the New World Order, the United Nations took their measures a step further with Agenda 2030.  Here you can see what the 17 Sustainable Development Goals entail.  Everything revolving around our lives is being controlled by these goals.  

Agenda 2030 17 Sustainable Development Goals

Agenda 2030 Sustainable Development Goals


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These are just some of the the code words to watch for when looking for Agenda 21/2030 in your community.  They will often times change them as people catch on.

SDS Flowchart


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Smart Cities, or 15 minute cities are what the globalists intend for us to live in.  This diagram shows how that incorporates everything that our lives revolve around.  They intend to control every aspect of how and where we live. 

Smart Cities Diagram

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